The configuration of watchface
The app.json
file in the root of the Mini Program provides global configuration of the Mini Program.
Configuration items
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
configVersion | string | YES | Configuration file version number, supports the following values: v1 deprecated, v2 currently used. | - |
app | object | YES | Mini Program configuration information. | - |
runtime | object | YES | Mini Program runtime settings. | - |
permissions | Array<string> | YES | List of Mini Program permissions. | - |
targets | object | YES | Build Mini Program installer setup. | - |
i18n | object | YES | Mini Program internationalization configuration. | - |
defaultLanguage | string | YES | The default language setting for the Mini Program. This value is used as the language of the program when the system cannot find a suitable language to set the program. This value is not recommended to be empty. | - |
debug | boolean | NO | Mini Program debugging function, supports the following values: true Enable debugging function; false Default value. Turn off the debugging function. | - |
configVersion is the version of the JSON file and is used for parsing distinctions. The format is lowercase v + a number, e.g., v1, v2.
Examples are as follows:
"configVersion": "v2"
indicates program configuration information.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
appId | number | YES | The Mini Program "id", "id" is the unique identification of the Mini Program. | v2 |
appName | string | YES | Mini Program Name. | v2 |
appType | string | YES | Mini Program type. The following values are supported: app Mini Program; watchface dial. | v2 |
version | object | YES | Mini Program version information. | v2 |
icon | string | NO | The path to the Mini Program icon. Reference Design Specifications - app icons. If not passed, use the default icon. | v2 |
vender | string | YES | Developer Name. | v2 |
venderId | number | NO | Developer id. | - |
cover | Array<string> | NO | Matching images for Mini Program display. In general, dials are used. | - |
description | string | YES | Short description of the Mini Program. | v2 |
version: object
indicates the version information of the Mini Program.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
code | number | YES | Mini Program program version number. The default starts from 1 . Note: Each version should be larger than the previous one. For example: 12 , 13 , 2001 , etc. | - |
name | string | YES | Semantic version of the Mini Program. It is recommended that versions be recorded in the format x.x.x. For example: 1.0.1 . | - |
Examples are as follows:
"app": {
"appId": 1000089,
"appName": "······",
"appType": "app",
"version": {
"code": 5,
"name": "0.0.5"
"icon": "logo.png",
"vender": "······",
"description": "······"
runtime: object
indicates the Mini Program runtime configuration.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
apiVersion | object | YES | Runtime API Versions. | v2 |
type | number | NO | The loader type for loading Mini Programs at runtime, supporting the following values: 0 Current value YES Default value. It indicates that the Mini Program is loaded with the loader of the QuickJS-js interpreter, with the suffix .js, 1 indicates that the Mini Program is loaded with the loader of the C interpreter, with the suffix .c, 2 indicates that the Mini Program is loaded with the loader of the QuickJS-bytecode interpreter, with the suffix .bin | v2 |
apiVersion: object
indicates API version information, Minimum Version, Target Version, Adopted Version, etc.
When the APP-side Mini Program installs or upgrades the device-side Mini Program via Bluetooth, you need to get the JS-SDK version number of the device-side Mini Program, and then further compare it with this field.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
minVersion | string | YES | Runtime requirements, this field YES is required to determine the current runtime requirements of the Mini Program; v <= minVersion , cannot be upgraded or installed. | v2 |
compatible | string | NO | Compatible version, optional. | v2 |
target | string | NO | This is the version of the target SDK, runtime, optionally. | v2 |
Examples are as follows:
"runtime": {
"apiVersion": {
"compatible": "1.0.0",
"target": "1.0.1",
"minVersion": "1.0.0"
"type": "0"
permissions: Array
indicates a list of permissions, if the user applies for a permission that is not in the list, the application is invalid, permissions
supports dynamic application of permissions.
"permissions": []
targets: object
The targets allow you to distinguish between devices to pass in different build configurations.
The key name of the targets object is the name of the subdirectory in the /assets directory, which needs to be consistent, see directory structure.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
module | object | YES | Mini Program function module configuration. | v2 |
platforms | Array<object> | YES | Mini Program running platform device selection. | v2 |
designWidth | number | YES | The design width of the current view, adjusted using the px runtime; this value depends on the design drafts | v2 |
As the latest known device names are as follows:
"targets": {
"gtr-3-pro": {
"module": {
// ...
"gtr-3": {
"module": {
// ...
"gts-3": {
"module": {
// ...
module: object
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
shortcut | object | NO, only valid if appType is app . | The description of jumping to the Mini Program. | v2 |
page | object | YES, required when appType is app . | The configuration of page in Device App module . | v2 |
app-widget | object | NO | The configuration of Shortcut Cards. | v2 |
secondary-widget | object | NO | The configuration of SecondaryWidget. | v2 |
watch-widget | object | NO | The configuration of watchface component module. | v2 |
watchface | object | YES, required when appType is watchface . | The configuration of watchface module. | v2 |
app-side | object | NO | The configuration of companion module. | v2 |
setting | object | NO | The configuration of Settings App module. | v2 |
Examples are as follows:
"module": {
"page": {
"pages": ["page/gtr-3-pro/loading"]
"app-side": {
"path": "app-side/index"
"setting": {
"path": "setting/index"
"app-widget": {
"widgets": [
"path": "app-widget/index",
"icon": "icon.png",
"name": "app-widget-demo",
"runtime": {
"type": "js"
"secondary-widget": {
"widgets": [
"path": "secondary-widget/index",
"icon": "icon.png",
"name": "secondary-widget-demo",
"runtime": {
"type": "js"
shortcut: object
indicates the description of jumping to the Mini Program. This attribute is mutually exclusive with the page
attribute and will not exist together in a package.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
scheme | string | YES | Protocol type: Support type dapp. | v2 |
appLangType | number | YES | Jump to target Mini Program type: 0 : js Mini Program; 1 : native app. | v2 |
appId | number | Required if appLangType is js. | The appid of the Mini Program. | v2 |
path | string | YES | File's path/native app's name. | v2 |
params | string | NO | The parameters for jumping. | v2 |
page: object
indicates the configuration of page in Device App module. This attribute is mutually exclusive with the shortcut
attribute and will not exist in a package.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
pages | Array<string> | YES | Page path, at least one; the default is the first Mini Program entrance. | v2 |
app-widget: object
The app-widget
represents a third-party App component.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
widgets | Array<string> | YES | Component path, can be none. | v2 |
watch-widget: object
represents the watchface component.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
widgets | Array<string> | YES | Component path, can be none. | v2 |
watchface: object
represents the watchface.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
path | string | YES | The path of watchface. | v2 |
main | number | NO(If you don't add it, the default is 1.) | The watchface which displays in home page.(0:none) | v2 |
editable | number | NO(If you don't add it, the default is 0.) | Editable watchface (0: not supported) | v2 |
lockscreen | number | NO(If you don't add it, the default is 0.) | Lock screen(0:none) | v2 |
photoscreen | number | NO(If you don't add it, the default is 0.) | Photo watchface (0: not supported) | v2 |
app-side: object
represents a Side Service.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
path | string | NO | The path of Side Service. | v2 |
setting: object
represents the page of Settings App.
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
path | string | YES | The path of Settings App. | v2 |
platforms: object
indicates the target platform selection. Need to follow the developer to choose the type: target.platforms
specification to take the value specification.
The value reference of deviceSource
List of ZeppOS-enabled Devices
Properties | Type | Required | Description | Minimum Version |
name | string | NO | Device description, named by the developer. | v2 |
deviceSource | number | YES | Number of the equipment. | v2 |
Examples are as follows:
"platforms": [{
"name": "gts-3",
"deviceSource": 229
}, {
"name": "gts-3",
"deviceSource": 230
indicates the design width, provided to the global px
function as the size calculation base, refer to Screen Adaptation.
"designWidth": 390
i18n: object
The i18n
role is to configure multilingual processing.
The abbreviations of the corresponding codes for each country region, refer to Multilingual Mapping.
Examples are as follows:
"i18n": {
"en-US": {
"appName": "······"
"en-ES": {
"appName": "······"
defaultLanguage: string
Examples are as follows:
"defaultLanguage": "zh-cn"
Complete app.json example
Take the app.json
of the sample application Calories as an example:
This example only configures deviceSource
for Amazfit GTR 3 Pro, Amazfit GTR 3 and Amazfit GTS 3 devices.
If you want to support the rest of the devices, please refer to the configuration of the targets field and add them yourself.
"configVersion": "v2",
"app": {
"appId": 1000000,
"appName": "Calories",
"appType": "app",
"version": {
"code": 1,
"name": "1.0.0"
"icon": "icon.png",
"vender": "huami",
"description": ""
"permissions": [],
"runtime": {
"apiVersion": {
"compatible": "1.0.0",
"target": "1.0.1",
"minVersion": "1.0.0"
"targets": {
"gtr-3-pro": {
"module": {
"page": {
"pages": [
"platforms": [{
"name": "gtr3pro",
"deviceSource": 229
}, {
"name": "gtr3pro",
"deviceSource": 230
"designWidth": 480
"gtr-3": {
"module": {
"page": {
"pages": [
"platforms": [{
"name": "gtr3",
"deviceSource": 226
}, {
"name": "gtr3",
"deviceSource": 227
"designWidth": 480
"gts-3": {
"module": {
"page": {
"pages": [
"platforms": [{
"name": "gts3",
"deviceSource": 224
}, {
"name": "gts3",
"deviceSource": 225
"designWidth": 390
"i18n": {
"zh-CN": {
"appName": "卡路里"
"ar-EG": {
"appName": "السعرات الحرارية"
"ca-ES": {
"appName": "Calories"
"cs": {
"appName": "Kalorie"
"da-DK": {
"appName": "Kalorier"
"de-DE": {
"appName": "Kalorien"
"el": {
"appName": "Θερμίδες"
"en-US": {
"appName": "Calories"
"es-ES": {
"appName": "Calorías"
"fi": {
"appName": "Kalorit"
"fr-FR": {
"appName": "Calories"
"he": {
"appName": "קלוריות"
"hi": {
"appName": "कैलोरी"
"hu-HU": {
"appName": "Kalória"
"id-ID": {
"appName": "Kalori"
"it-IT": {
"appName": "Calorie"
"ja-JP": {
"appName": "カロリー"
"ko-KR": {
"appName": "칼로리"
"mr": {
"appName": "कॅलरीज"
"nb-NO": {
"appName": "Kalorier"
"nl": {
"appName": "Calorieën"
"pl-PL": {
"appName": "Kalorie"
"pt": {
"appName": "Calorias"
"pt-BR": {
"appName": "Calorias"
"ro": {
"appName": "Calorii"
"ru-RU": {
"appName": "Калории"
"sk": {
"appName": "Kalórie"
"sr": {
"appName": "Калорије"
"sv-SE": {
"appName": "Kalorier"
"th-TH": {
"appName": "แคลอรี"
"tr-TR": {
"appName": "Kalori"
"uk": {
"appName": "Калорії"
"vi": {
"appName": "Calo"
"zh-TW": {
"appName": "卡路里"
"defaultLanguage": "en-US"