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Version: v2


Start from API_LEVEL 2.0 . Please refer to API_LEVEL.


The VIEW_CONTAINER widget container is a very powerful layout widget with the following features.

  • It is a rectangular layout container that can create child widgets by its instance method
  • The z_index property controls the cascading order of the widget container, allowing for vertical cascading of widgets. And you can create multiple VIEW_CONTAINER widgets in the same page.
  • The VIEW_CONTAINER widget container itself supports scrolling and can be used as a scrolling container.

Create UI widget

import { createWidget, widget } from '@zos/ui'

const viewContainer = createWidget(widget.VIEW_CONTAINER, Param)

// Creating UI sub-widgets
viewContainer.createWidget(xxx, xxx)


Param: object

xWidget x-coordinate, default 0NOnumber
yWidget y-coordinate, default 0NOnumber
wWidget width, default screen widthNOnumber
hWidget height, default screen heightNOnumber
scroll_enableWhen the layout of widgets in VIEW_CONTAINER exceeds the width/height, it is considered a long page. 0: disable scrolling, you can set container scroll position offset by pos_x or pos_y; 1: allow scrolling (default)NOnumber
pos_xWhen VIEW_CONTAINER is a long horizontal page layout, you can read/set the horizontal offsetNOnumber
pos_yWhen VIEW_CONTAINER is a long vertical page layout, you can read/set the vertical offsetNOnumber
z_indexWhen using multiple VIEW_CONTAINER widgets, the cascading relationship can be controlled by this field, with 0 at the bottom by defaultNOnumber
scroll_frame_funcDuring scrolling, a callback function is triggered for each frameNOfunction
scroll_complete_funcCallback function at the end of scrollingNOfunction

Code example

The code runs as shown in the image at the top of the document, creating two VIEW_CONTAINER widgets

import { createWidget, widget, text_style, align } from '@zos/ui'
import { px } from '@zos/utils'

const getRandomColor = () => {
const randomArr = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']

function getRandomFromSection(low, high) {
const RANDOM = Math.random()
const RANGE = high - low + 1

return Math.floor(RANDOM * RANGE) + low

const colorStr = Array.from({ length: 6 }).reduce((prev, curr) => {
const random = getRandomFromSection(0, 15)
return prev + randomArr[random]
}, '0x')

return Number(colorStr)

build() {
createWidget(widget.TEXT, {
x: px(96),
y: px(40),
w: px(288),
h: px(46),
color: 0xffffff,
text_size: px(36),
align_h: align.CENTER_H,
align_v: align.CENTER_V,
text_style: text_style.NONE,

const viewContainer = createWidget(widget.VIEW_CONTAINER, {
x: px(0),
y: px(86),
w: px(480),
h: px(400)

Array.from({ length: 5 }).forEach((_, index) => {
viewContainer.createWidget(widget.FILL_RECT, {
x: 0,
y: px(index * 400),
w: px(480),
h: px(400),
color: getRandomColor()

viewContainer.createWidget(widget.TEXT, {
x: px(96),
y: px(170) + px(index * 400),
w: px(288),
h: px(46),
text_size: px(36),
color: 0xffffff,
align_h: align.CENTER_H,
align_v: align.CENTER_V,
text: `INDEX: ${index}`

const viewContainerButton = createWidget(widget.VIEW_CONTAINER, {
x: px(0),
y: px(86),
w: px(480),
h: px(400),
z_index: 1,
scroll_enable: false

viewContainerButton.createWidget(widget.BUTTON, {
x: 0,
y: px(50),
w: px(200),
h: px(100),
text: 'Click',
radius: px(12),
normal_color: DEFAULT_COLOR,
click_func: () => {
console.log('click button')