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Version: v2

Editable watchface

Editable Widget

hmUI.data_type.STEPCurrent Step Count
hmUI.data_type.STEP_TARGETTarget number of steps
hmUI.data_type.CALCurrent Calories
hmUI.data_type.CAL_TARGETTarget Calories
hmUI.data_type.HEARTCurrent heart rate
hmUI.data_type.PAI_DAILYToday PAI
hmUI.data_type.PAI_WEEKLYTotal PAI
hmUI.data_type.STANDCurrent stand
hmUI.data_type.STAND_TARGETTarget stand
hmUI.data_type.WEATHER_CURRENTCurrent temperature
hmUI.data_type.WEATHER_LOWCurrent low temperature
hmUI.data_type.WEATHER_HIGHCurrent high temperature
hmUI.data_type.UVIUltraviolet light
hmUI.data_type.AQIAir Quality
hmUI.data_type.FAT_BURNINGFat Burning
hmUI.data_type.FAT_BURNING_TARGETFat Burning Goals
hmUI.data_type.SUN_CURRENTSunrise and sunset will be displayed according to the time
hmUI.data_type.WINDWind Power
hmUI.data_type.SPO2Blood oxygen
hmUI.data_type.ALTIMETERPneumatic pressure
hmUI.data_type.MOONMoon phase. Only progress is supported
hmUI.data_type.FLOORClimbing a building
hmUI.data_type.ALARM_CLOCKAlarm Clock




  • Note that the tips_x tips_y coordinates are relative to the x y inside the component, so if the tips are above the component, you need to write negative values.


Calling this property returns the type type selected by the current user Use this type to draw different components.

const groupX = 153
const groupY = 246

editGroup = hmUI.createWidget(hmUI.widget.WATCHFACE_EDIT_GROUP, {
edit_id: 101,
x: groupX,
y: groupY,
w: 148,
h: 148,
select_image: rootPath + 'mask/select.png',
un_select_image: rootPath + 'mask/select.png',
default_type: hmUI.edit_type.HEART,
optional_types: [{ type: hmUI.edit_type.HEART, preview: rootPath + 'preview/bat.png' }],
count: 1,
tips_BG: rootPath + 'mask/text_tag.png',
tips_x: 172 - groupX,
tips_y: 210 - groupY,
tips_width: 110,
tips_margin: 10 // optional, default value: 0
const editType = editGroup.getProperty(hmUI.prop.CURRENT_TYPE)
switch (editType) {
case hmUI.data_type.HEART:
this.drawHeartWidget(groupX, groupY)
case hmUI.data_type.BATTERY:
maskCover = hmUI.createWidget(hmUI.widget.WATCHFACE_EDIT_MASK, {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 454,
h: 454,
src: rootPath + 'mask/mask100.png',
show_level: hmUI.show_level.ONLY_EDIT
mask = hmUI.createWidget(hmUI.widget.WATCHFACE_EDIT_FG_MASK, {
x: 0,
y: 0,
w: 454,
h: 454,
src: rootPath + 'mask/mask70.png',
show_level: hmUI.show_level.ONLY_EDIT

To provide the user with a full screen control to select the display content, try the following code, the omitted part is the same as above.

editGroup = hmUI.createWidget(hmUI.widget.WATCHFACE_EDIT_GROUP, {
// ...
select_list: {
title_font_size :34 ,
title_align_h: hmUI.align.CENTER_H ,
list_item_vspace: 8,
list_tips_text_font_size: 32,
list_tips_text_align_h : hmUI.align.LEFT,

Advanced Usage Customizing editType

If the editType supported by the current firmware is incomplete (possibly a new product requirement) and does not support the current dial, you can customize the type.

Custom type range 0x186a0 - UINT32_MAX

title must be written.

const optional_types = [
type: 100001,
preview: rootPath + 'preview/bat.png',
title_sc: '标题',
title_tc: '标题',
title_en: 'title'

Editable backgrounds

  • When editable background + editable widget, widget omits 100%mask
  • If only editable background, just remove the top two layers

Just write your own ids and don't repeat them.


const editBg = hmUI.createWidget(hmUI.widget.WATCHFACE_EDIT_BG, {
edit_id: 103,
x: 0,
y: 0,
bg_config: [
{ id: 1, preview: BGROOT + 'bg_edit_1.png', path: BGROOT + 'preview_1.png' },
{ id: 2, preview: BGROOT + 'bg_edit_2.png', path: BGROOT + 'preview_2.png' },
{ id: 3, preview: BGROOT + 'bg_edit_3.png', path: BGROOT + 'preview_3.png' },
{ id: 4, preview: BGROOT + 'bg_edit_4.png', path: BGROOT + 'preview_4.png' },
{ id: 5, preview: BGROOT + 'bg_edit_5.png', path: BGROOT + 'preview_5.png' }
count: 5,
default_id: 1,
fg: BGROOT + 'fg.png',
tips_x: 178,
tips_y: 428,
tips_bg: TIPS_ROOT + 'bg_tips.png'

Editable pointers


  • 100%Cover cannot be omitted if there is no editable background.

ID Do not repeat.

pointerEdit.getProperty(hmUI.prop.CURRENT_CONFIG,true) //The second parameter is whether to export the second hand property.

This function returns the configuration of the user-selected pointer style attribute and assigns it directly to TIME_POINTER.

const pointerConfig = [
id: 1,
hour: {
centerX: centerXValue,
centerY: centerYValue,
posX: 12,
posY: 172,
path: pointPath + 'hand_4_h.png'
minute: {
centerX: centerXValue,
centerY: centerYValue,
posX: 18,
posY: 229,
path: pointPath + 'hand_4_m.png'
second: {
centerX: centerXValue,
centerY: centerYValue,
posX: 13,
posY: 245,
path: pointPath + 'hand_all_s.png'
preview: pointPath + 'preview1.png'
// ...

const pointerEdit = hmUI.createWidget(hmUI.widget.WATCHFACE_EDIT_POINTER, {
edit_id: 120,
x: 0,
y: 0,
config: pointerConfig,
count: pointerConfig.length,
default_id: 1,
fg: ROOTPATH + 'pointer/fg.png',
tips_x: 178,
tips_y: 428,
tips_bg: TIPS_ROOT + 'bg_tips.png'
const screenType = hmSetting.getScreenType()
const aodModel = screenType == hmSetting.screen_type.AOD
const pointerProp = pointerEdit.getProperty(hmUI.prop.CURRENT_CONFIG, !aodModel)
pointer = hmUI.createWidget(hmUI.widget.TIME_POINTER, pointerProp)