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Version: v3


Start from API_LEVEL 3.0. Please refer to API_LEVEL

Create UI widget

import { createWidget, widget, prop } from '@zos/ui'

const keyboard = createWidget(widget.KEYBOARD, Param)

Param: object

xX position, default value is 0NOnumber
yY position, default value is 0NOnumber
click_funcCallback function when Key clickedYESClickFunc
key_attrKey attributes, if no key attribute is passed in, the default configuration of numeric keyboard is usedNOArray<KeyAttr>

ClickFunc: function

click_func(keyboard: WIDGET, id: number, value: number): void
keyboardThe keyboard instance
idKey id
valueKey value

KeyAttr: object

idKey idNOnumber
xX position of keyYESnumber
yY position of keyYESnumber
textKey text, Only single ASCII characters are supportedNOstring
imageKey image path, recommended image size is 64 x 64 pxNOstring
valueKey valueNOnumber

Property Operations

Property operations are set via widget.setProperty

keyboard.setProperty(prop, Param)


Add a new key, Params refer to KeyAttr

keyboard.setProperty(prop.ADD_KEY, {
id: 100,
x: 280,
y: 350,
text: '!'


Delete a key

Param: object

idKey idNOnumber
keyboard.setProperty(prop.DEL_KEY, {
id: 20


Modify a key properties, Params refer to KeyAttr

keyboard.setProperty(prop.KEY_PARA, {
id: 1,
x: 50,
y: 30,
image: 'images/common/widgetsbc/phoneCall/phone call_ic_answer_64px.png',
text: 'c',
value: 98


Text styles

Param: object

xX position of textYESnumber
wText widthYESnumber
align_hThe alignment of the horizontal axis, alignment refer to TEXTNOnumber
alphaText alpha value [0-255], 0 for full transparencyNOnumber
colorText colorNOnumber
showText showonNOboolean
keyboard.setProperty(prop.TEXT_STYLE, {
x: 0,
w: 480,
align_h: align.CENTER,
alpha: 255,
color: 0xff0000,
show: 1


Update text, Param is string

keyboard.setProperty(prop.TEXT, 'hello rose !')

prop.X and prop.Y

Adjust the overall position of the keyboard, Param is number

keyboard.setProperty(prop.X, 0)
keyboard.setProperty(prop.Y, 10)

Code example

import { createWidget, widget, prop, align } from '@zos/ui'

function callback(keyboard, id, value) {
console.log(`id:${id} char:${value}`)
keyboard.setProperty(prop.TEXT, `id:${id} char:${value}`)

ret = keyboard.getProperty(prop.KEY_PARA, id)
if (ret !== undefined) {

const keyboard = createWidget(widget.KEYBOARD, {
click_func: callback,
key_attr: [
id: 0,
x: 0,
y: 150,
text: 'H',
value: 1
id: 1,
x: 90,
y: 150,
text: 'E',
value: 2
id: 20,
x: 180,
y: 150,
text: 'L',
value: 3
id: 3,
x: 270,
y: 150,
text: 'L',
value: 4
id: 4,
x: 360,
y: 150,
text: 'O',
value: 5
id: 6,
x: 45,
y: 250,
text: 'R',
value: 6
id: 7,
x: 135,
y: 250,
text: 'O',
value: 7
id: 8,
x: 225,
y: 250,
text: 'S',
value: 8
id: 9,
x: 315,
y: 250,
text: 'E',
value: 9

id: 10,
x: 180,
y: 350,
image: 'images/common/widgetsbc/phoneCall/phone call_ic_answer_64px.png',
text: ' ',
value: 10

keyboard.setProperty(prop.TEXT_STYLE, {
x: 0,
w: 480,
align_h: align.CENTER,
alpha: 255,
color: 0xff0000,
show: 1

keyboard.setProperty(prop.TEXT, 'hello rose !')

keyboard.setProperty(prop.X, 0)
keyboard.setProperty(prop.Y, 10)

keyboard.setProperty(prop.KEY_PARA, {
id: 1,
text: 'c',
value: 98

keyboard.setProperty(prop.DEL_KEY, {
id: 20

keyboard.setProperty(prop.ADD_KEY, {
id: 100,
x: 280,
y: 350,
text: '!',
value: 11

keyboard.setProperty(prop.ADD_KEY, {
id: 99,
x: 80,
y: 350,
text: '!',
value: 11